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  • Writer's picturejool_design

Making the jump!

Updated: Mar 15, 2020

I’ve been lucky enough to be employed as an interior designer consistently across the last eighteen years, something that I know is both fairly unusual and extremely lucky as the industry has struggled through various economic assaults over this time! With relative job security and a good role in a well established and reputable interior design company, many of my friends thought I was completely bonkers to give it up. My dad on the other hand, offered me his hand and said “About time, lovely.”. I had genuinely just hit a wall and lost my mojo a little, and I realised it was time for a change.

After taking some time out and catching up on life, I realised I missed the design work but that I was loving having control of my own time, despite being a bit skint. So I started to get in touch with some old contacts from when I first started out as an Interior Designer and have been really fortunate that a number of them had opportunities for me - in fitness design, workplace design and on some hotel design work. I’ve had weeks where I’ve worked seven days straight, and weeks where I’ve worked two days and tried not to panic. I’ve been super busy and super quiet. I’ve been excited and nervous in equal measure.

Almost a year in and my workflow is getting steadier and more consistent and I’ve had some great feedback on the things I’ve done. One large fitness project, which my design work has helped to secure, rated 100% on meeting the tender criteria. These little things make for proud moments when you realise you’re achieving it solely off the back of your own abilities and experience.

Starting the business was a risk and so far I have no regrets. Growing the business whilst making sure clients get the best possible service is something which matters to me very much. Onwards we go!

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